LSB Courses are as Kiwi as...well Kiwi :-)

About us

Dr Sez

Lifestyle veterinarian

Dr Sez is a lifestyle block vet, with a passion for caring for the backyard farm pet.

Born and raised on a lifestyle block, she grew up around goats, sheep, chooks, horses and more, developing a passion for caring for and bettering the welfare of our farm animals from a young age.

Dr Sez initially studied animal behaviour, further fuelling her passion, before returning to New Zealand to become a qualified vet. She now works with the many lifestyle blocks of the South Auckland region and runs the YouTube channel ‘Sez the Vet’, airing interesting and topical weekly episodes on the health of your farm animals.

Kate Brennan


Kate has been a lifestyle farmer for over 25 years and has been editor of since it launched in April 2000.

As editor, Kate has worked with veterinarians, farmers, academics and experts to provide accurate, NZ-based information to lifestyle farmers.

Starting on a 4 acre block, Kate now farms angora goats and cattle on a 220 acre Northland block.

Kate doesn't appear on-screen very often but works with Dr Sez on writing and producing the courses.

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